Directions to Lakeside Baptist Church

PLEASE... Many sites have our location address incorrect. Even Google Maps shows us in the incorrect location. We are attempting to correct those sites. This map is correct. Also, please see description below for correct location.

The address is:          15025 N Uldriks Dr Battle Creek, MI 49017

Lakeside is located in beautiful rural Barry County's Fine Lake area, one mile south of East Hickory Rd at the intersection of Ferris Rd and N Uldriks Drive and approximately 5 miles north of W Michigan Ave (Rte 89). This is within 1 mile of the very north end of N Uldriks Dr.



  • Education Hour
    9:30 AM to 10:30 AM
  • Fellowship
    10:30 AM to 10:55 AM
  • Worship
    11:00 AM to 12:15 PM
  • 15025 N Uldriks Dr
    Battle Creek, Michigan 49017