What to Expect

We recognize what it is to attend a new place of worship for the very first time. We've all been their at one time or another which means we do our best to be sensitive to those who visit us. We understand that a visitor attends with a myriad of questions... Will I know anyone?... Will I be accepted... How will I be welcomed... Where can I sit?... What style music might I expect?... What style message might I hear?... all legitimate and important questions. So, in this section we have chosen to try to answer some of those questions. Lets begin with...

The congregation?

Lakeside is a rural church located in the recreational community of Fine Lake whose congregation includes members from all age groups and walks of life. No dress code... no expectations... just every day people seeking to praise and honor our Lord. From blue jeans to sport coats every attender is encouraged to worship and adore our Lord in a God-honoring manner. 


Lakeside sits on a 10 acre parcel in rural Barry County. Let me assure you, we have plenty of well-lit, paved parking ready for our members, attenders and guests. It may also be an encouragement to know that right up front, near the main entrance, are parking spaces for our visitors and those requiring handicapped parking. Please feel welcome to use them.

How will you be welcomed?

When entering the building you will be welcomed by a greeter who will assist you. That person will show you where the coat racks are, point out the restrooms, help you find the sanctuary or appropriate Sunday School classes, and answer any general questions you may have.

The greeter will also provide you with a visitor's attendance slip that we hope you will feel comfortable enough to fill out for us as we would appreciate a record of your visit. You may drop it in the box at the back entrance to the sanctuary or hand it to the Pastor following the service. We also understand that some of our visitors prefer to remain anonymous and we respect that. Please know that either way you choose, we will never make contact with more than a welcome note unless you give us permission. We are pleased you are considering visiting us, pray that when you do you will be blessed in your visit and look forward to getting to know you better.

Where should I sit?

Lakeside attenders sit wherever they feel they can see, hear, and worship the fullest. 

Does Lakeside do a "Meet and Greet"?

No. We recognize what how intimidating it is for most people to be singled out. Let us assure you, we don't do that. Therefore, Lakeside has chosen not to do a "meet and greet" as part of its worship service. 

What style of music?

Lakeside utilizes a blended style of music consisting of hymns and praise and worship songs. We do not utilize a band and the instrumental accompaniment consists of the organ, piano and keyboard.

Will you be expected to participate in the Tithe and Offerings?

No. You are our guest. We do, however, recognize this as part worship and welcome you to participate if you are so led. We would add that Lakeside has chosen to accept Tithes and Offerings through a central collection box and continues to do so.

What style message might you expect?

Pastor Larry emphasizes Expository Bible Teaching. How we adjust our lives to God's Word comes through understanding God's Word in light of His revelation. The Pastor also publishes study notes corresponding to the message with encouragement to utilize them during the week to reflect on God's Word.

What Bible translation does the Pastor use?

Pastor Larry uses the New American Standard Translation. However, there is no "preferred" translation among those who sit under the teaching.

Does Lakeside use an overhead projector?

Yes. Words to our songs are projected on the screen.  There are also hymnals in the pews although not all songs will be found in them. The Pastor also uses the screen to project bible verses, illustrations and notes during the message.
Are there classes for all ages during the education Hour?

Yes. Do to limited education space, some ages groups are combined.

Does Lakeside have a Nursery?


Does Lakeside have Children's Church?

Yes. Lakeside does offer a children's church for children preschool - elementary during morning worship. We also believe it's important for children to become familiar with sanctuary worship which allows them to develop a sense of "family" worship.  We, therefore, start children with parents in the sanctuary during the music portion of worship and during the last song prior to the message the children will follow the adult leaders and make their way to children's church. 

Does Lakeside hold a Sunday or Wednesday Evening Bible Study?

We do not.